Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CLO 802

This particular document establishes guidelines for the use of the Inter-library loan service. The document goes on to state that the Palm Beach County Library System provides this service on all subjects through various networks to which it belongs. Materials available include books in English and other foreign languages, large print, microforms, and photocopies.
The document goes on to state various procedures for the use of the ILL service. Obvious provisions are made, such as the patron in question must have a valid library card in good standing, the material in question must not already be owned by Palm Beach County, discussion of payment for fines and fees, etc.
What I was interested to know is how often librarians check to see if we own the material in electronic format? Included in the document is a provision that we may not request an ILL if we own the material in question, in electronic form or not, but we may if the electronic format isn't comprehensive. That being said, how often to librarians check to see if we own the material via the Net Library?
Also, the document specifies that a form must be filled out, but I'm supposing that this is simply outdated?
Finally, the document also specifies that there is no renewals on ILL materials, but I know that we do this now. Should this also be updated?

1 comment:

dml said...

I think librarians are probably better at checking to see if we own articles in electronic format, than books in NetLibrary. But it is good to be reminded about this provision.

The ILL policy has been updated, but not yet published. The updated version does address the issue of renewals. In the past there was no easy vehicle for renewals. But the ILLiad software has remedied that.