Thursday, June 12, 2008

Internship Day 7

This isn't really an entire day, since I was only here for 2 hours, but I figured I'd keep the format going.
I was out sick on this past Monday, June 12, which wasn't really good. I'm short 8 hours now, but I've just made up 2, so yay for that. What is mildly disstressing to me is the fact that I don't have more evenings to come here to work as I had thought. Monday I'm here all day anyway, so I suppose I could just pull 12 hours days. Tuesday evenings I have class. Wednesday evenings I work at my job, and Thursdays I have a regular social engagement. Fridays and weekends the Main library closes at 5 or 6, and so I have no time. Erg!
But, I'll make do. If I have to pull a couple 12 day work weeks, I suppose I have no choice.
*wilts like a flower*
So, since I was here only for a short time I don't have much to say. I spent some time in telephone reference anticipating some phone calls, but none came. As it was slow, (due to the weather, we think,) I went ahead and weeded the cookbook area more. The area I was weeding before must not have seen much action in a long time, as it was in much better order than the area I did tonight. Simply deplorable! I had to end up shelf read each area as I went before I went and pulled books or else I'd not find half of them. But, progress was made.
I took a look at more ready-reference materials as well. Asked my trainer about some, but he gave the same response, something along the lines of "Oh, we used to use that all the time before Google, but not so much anymore." True enough. Makes me think about one of the Library 2.0 articles I read about a diminishing collection. Are we headed that way? Should we purchase more database access and less print materials? So far I'd say yes.
And that's about all I have to say for now.
I arrived at 7 pm and left at 9 pm.

1 comment:

dml said...

True, the web and the library databases are reducing the need for our print reference collection. It's not that we need to purchase many more databases- for the most part, we already subscribe to what we need!

The books remain for times when Internet access may be down, or for patrons (or librarians) who prefer print resources. Or for times when electronic resources mysteriously vanish, due to licensing issues, etc. But we know that more up-to-date information is going to be found online.