Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Internet Tips and Tricks Class

Today I taught my second and final computer class for the internship, which was a sort of advanced topics in basic computers, (an contradiction in terms, haha!) The class covered some beginning research tips as well as cookies, clearing the cache, antivirus software, and such like that. A reference librarian, Isabel, taught the first half which focused on the research skills. We did have a small hiccup when the presentation called for her to do some research right then, so I closed the powerpoint program and opened up Internet Explorer. I came to find out, however, that the research was already performed and was still in the presentation.
My half of the presentation went fairly well. My topics were much more varied, as I covered the more technical topics, and the questions posed to me reflected this. Some were more on topic than others, with a gem of a question being "How do I get my printer to work" when I was in the middle of discussing anti-virus software. I felt slightly conflicted in how I answered their questions, trying to balance the need to break it down for them while at the same time giving them an answer that would be of value. At one point a patron asked me how a spam company got his email address and then sent him a blank email. In my head I thought that I could explain these programs that randomly create email addresses in the hopes of finding one that is in existence, but I felt this would create more questions that it answered, so I simply said "I don't know."
Overall, it was a valuable experience.
I arrived at 1:00pm and left at 3:45pm, totalling 2.75 hours.

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