Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Standing Order Meeting

I came back early from my vacation to attend this standing order meeting. Various people receive a large binder that lists all of our serials, periodicals, and other things we order on a regular and recurring basis. It was a LOT of paper, and I wished that we could have someone done it with computers. But, we did have to make a lot of notes, so I suppose it was necessary.
I attended, along with my site supervisor Dani, as well as the Serials Librarian, the Business Librarian, and another person from the Serials department.
We read through all of the magazines that are kept here at the Main Library. If we hadn't seen it in a long time, it was put on the cancellation list, as well as other instances where we thought we might do well to purchase a duplicate subscription. We discussed budgetary issues. For instance, it seems to be the practice to purchase items that we realize don't have too much value and are very expensive for purpose of filling the budget. Then, as time goes on and we discover items we DO truly want, those less-useful items are cancelled in favor of the newer one. Interesting strategy. For instance, we discussed ordering a copy of the conservative "rag" New York Post to counterbalance the more liberal and esoteric New York Times.
We also went though our order list of books and other documents that we order but don't catalog, (which I think is the actual standing order list.) We did the same thing as above, and discussed certain items where appropriate.
Overall a very interesting and stimulating meeting.
I arrived at 9:30 and left at 11:30, totalling 2 hours.

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