Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Internship Day 3

Today was the third day of my internship, and I spent most of it weeding the cookbook collection. I personally enjoy weeding, and take a great deal of pleasure in knowing I'm helping to create a more nimble collection. I do regret that it takes so much time, and I anticipate as I progress in the profession I may even come to dread doing it, as many seem to. But, for the time being, it is enjoyable; I wish I had more time for it!
I did hit a small snag insofar as our ILS's discard file became full halfway through my first cart. This has happened before, and it doesn't seem to take too long for a new one to be created. But, alas, none has been yet. Regardless, I have prepared two carts for discarding. All that remains is for the items to be scanned.
I've weeded fiction for some time at my day job, but I've never weeded a non-fiction area. The cookbook area wasn't particularly challening, and all I had to look for were items that were related to Florida or that struck me as classics. So far, I've only saved one item.
In the morning I assisted in inputting ILL requests. We have an online form that patrons may fill out at any time of the day or night on our website to request an item that we don't own. I've done this myself a few times! This information is then sent in an email to the reference desk here at Main, and is entered into the ILL system through WorldCat. I didn't have too many problems, except one gentleman requested a DVD, (I emailed him alerting him that A/V items aren't typically available through ILL,) and another who had an incomplete request.
Another exciting part of my day was my participation in the selection committee meeting. I have been reading many book reviews and writing down my thoughts on if we should consider the option of purchasing it. Today, everybody who has also been doing this from all the branches converged and shared our thoughts. Mostly everyone was in agreement except for a couple titles, and even then those that were interested weren't particuularly crestfallen. I suppose it's a good system to weed out what they called "shelf-sitters." I did anticipate more debate, and I have to say the meeting was pretty brisk!
I arrived at 8:30AM and left at 5pm, totalling 7.5 hours.

1 comment:

Amanda Coppedge Bosky said...

You should ask to sit in on a youth services selection committee meeting. From what I've heard we are the more passionate of the two when it comes to discussions!